Meet our Team Mentors
Jean Heng
2020 - AM Inspiration Award, AGM Award
Jean has a professional background in Electrical Engineering but quickly realized that it wasn’t her cup of tea. She found herself enjoying working with people, particularly in sales, and had since ventured into automobile and insurance sales. One of the motivator to continue in a sales line was that Jean hoped to impact lives, and make a difference in society, all while gaining personal growth. She found that being in sales gave her a fulfilling experience and the opportunity to impact lives.
During the 20 years that she was in the financial services industry, Jean worked hard and achieved notable awards, including the MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table) and various overseas incentive trips. Soon she thought about pursuing something that she can own - a business, but while starting a business can be fulfilling, the real challenges of starting one can be daunting with high overheads, long hours and market competition etc.
At the same time, Jean’s mother was suffering from heel spur for 2 years, and had heeded the advice of both Western and Chinese doctors but the pain remained excruciating with no sign of improvement. Jean’s mother, Mdm Tan was left with no alternatives and was scheduled for surgery in May 2019. In April that year, Mdm Tan was introduced to negative ion clothing and thought to try it as a last resort. Jean and her siblings were skeptical but Mdm Tan soon proved them the results when random spasms that Mdm Tan was then experiencing were gone in just 2 days. Still feeling unconvinced, Mdm Tan eventually encouraged Jean to explore more.
Being really reluctant and skeptical to change her mind, Jean decided to do her own research with the strong encouragement from her mother. What truly intrigued her was the career progression and scalability. The compensation plan was unique, simple and achievable and would act as a great vehicle for retirement whilst continuing to retain her goals of helping people around her by impacting their lives and their health.
Jean soon experienced benefits from trying negative ion clothing. Not only did she see her menstrual cycle improved, she enjoyed better sleep, better skin complexion and even regulated her low blood pressure and bloating issues. One thing lead to another, Jean found herself starting to share about the products and she began to attend product trainings and sales courses to improve her professional knowledge, and even better still, she found herself in a global community that supports her business progression.
Jean achieved her Area General Manager status in December 2020. Now she has a team of like-minded friends who have decided to embark on this amazing business opportunity, to work together in helping others enjoy a better quality of life.